Why should we move with positivity?
Positivity is one of the major elements of our life. It nurtures us in a positive and healthy way. Positive thinking helps with stress…

Positivity is one of the major elements of our life. It nurtures us in a positive and healthy way. Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Positive thinking does not mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You always think the best is going to happen, not the worst!
Always look on the bright side of life.
~ Monty Python
Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts can either be positive or negative, which solely depending on the situation. However, some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason, too.
Positive psychology is only a recent development in the study of the human mind, but it’s already made some interesting findings that might suggest that, yes, it is really that simple! — But, it does take some time. What’s more? The way positive emotions change our perception, our reasoning and our creativity for the good has been demonstrated, as they make us more open, tolerant and grateful for our everyday lives.
The power of positive emotions are underestimated
Everyone knows good feelings have a positive impact; they give us energy to get more done, and our positive energy makes others like us better. But surprisingly, up until recently, researchers mainly focused on our negative feelings, such as fear or anger.
This is because negative feelings can seem to have a more serious impact, for example, leading to depression or despair. And we’re usually more aware of negative feelings, which positive ones are a more subtle experience.
But, why are negative feelings so much “louder”?
Let me break the ice, because they have been crucial to our survival in our evolutionary past; our ancestors intensely experienced negative feelings like fear when they focused on a given threat, like a predator or enemy, so they could concentrate all their energies on fleeing or fighting.
In large doses, positive feelings such as love, joy, gratefulness, hope or pride can change our whole lives. And while they often pass unnoticed, these “silent stars” make us more resilient to help us guide through many tough times.
Lastly, if you manage to increase the amount of positive emotions you experience, you’ll reap many benefits. Hence, you will be more successful in your career, enjoy more stable and fulfilling relationships, and live a generally happier, less stressful life.
A positive general attitude towards life is the key
NOTE: I follow all the methods below.
First, the good news; We all are born with the main ingredient of a happy life: Positive Emotions. However, few of us naturally experience enough of them to stay positive in hard times, like during a breakup or a severe illness.
Those who are lucky enough to experience main positive emotions have a generally positive attitude toward life, which makes them resilient and successful.
Their optimism makes them resilient against mental problems like depression or over-worrying, and because they always see the good in every situation, they can navigate through even the hardest times without much trouble.
However, this optimism also seems to help them have healthier relationships, as well as more successful social and professional lives.
But, why?
Because, they look at the world in a more open way, and see opportunities and solutions where others only see problems. So even when things seem bad, they search for the best way out.
Magic? Nope, it’s the state of mind. Can you?
Positive emotions broaden our perspective and make us more open
Have you experience the feeling when you are full of hope, anything seems possible? When you feel like a someone with Super Powers? Well, you’re experiencing the world-expanding power of positive emotions.
Wait! I’m confused. Which emotions are we talking about?
Well, Joy is a great example. Feeling joyful makes us want to play, which makes us more creative, and helps us find solutions we usually would have missed.
Positive emotions broaden our perspective, awaken our sense of play and catapult us into unexplored territory.
In the long run, emotions like joy even can change our personality, open up our character and make us more tolerant of others. This was demonstrated in cross-cultural studies showing that when people experience positive emotions, they focus on what they have in common with others. This feeling of togetherness leads to happier relationships, and make us more tolerant toward strangers.
However, positivity also opens up our perception in general.
So, should we move with Positivity?
Think… Do you love yourself? Don’t let me know, let yourself know.
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